Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week.
Focusing on mental health challenges, coping skills, crisis plans and more.
January 2022 Newsletter
All things Choices: News on what’s happening at the center and beyond!
What Does It Mean to be a Peer Run Organization?
What is a Peer Support Recovery Specialist? Explaining what it means to be a Peer-Run organization and what a NCPRSS is.
Meet A Member: Tom Haag
Tom Haag has been a member of Choices since 1997! Read about his story and experiences at Choices.
Meet A Member: Mark Lynch
Mark Lynch has been a member since 1998! Read about his story and his time at Choices.
Meet A Member! Chris Wright
Meet a member! Read about Chris’s experience with Choices and see why he loves spending time with other members.
Choices Gets a Mural!
With months of planning, designing and creating, Choices has finally completed the mural process! Read more about the how and why here.
What’s Happening at Choices?
Welcome to our brand new website! We are so excited to have been able to launch the new site after months of hard work, rebranding and everything in between.
History of Choices
Choices, A Community Social Center, Inc. was founded by a group of caring, concerned people consisting of mental health consumers and other mental health advocates on October 19, 1992. Due to the trials and stigma of mental illness, many consumers isolated themselves and endured numerous hospitalizations. Thus, out of the need for socialization and support, the “idea” of CHOICES was born…a place where consumers would have choices.