Mental Health Week

Taking care of our mental health is important and when we look at our health as a whole, we are better able to improve the status of our mental health.

Over the course of the next 8 weeks, we will be talking about each of the 8 dimensions of health and wellness.

This week we will be discussing Mental Health, including challenges, ways we can improve our mental health, coping skills and crisis plans.

Remember- we are more than the status of our mental health.

How is are you feeling today?

Sometimes we just need a break from everything!

It's easy to get in the habit of just going through the motions. Day to day life can get boring and tedious, sending us down rabbit holes of thoughts and emotions.

Especially when we are struggling with mental health challenges, it's important to practice mindfulness by doing things that keep our mind active and productive. In return, guiding us through life with a more positive and calming presence.

Here's some ideas on practicing mindfulness daily. Take a second, deep breath, and find something to appreciate & mindfully focus on.

What are you going to do today to practice mindfulness?

Often times when we think about our recovery journey, we think it should be linear. One day we make the conscious decision to improve our mental health, put in the work necessary and still, we don't see the change we expected.

It's important to realize that you are a resilient being, living with a multitude of thoughts and emotions daily. Offer yourself some grace, pause. Think of all the work you have already done, and all you have yet to do.

Healing and recovery are not linear. Every day will offer another lesson, trial and even peace. Keep pushing and congratulate yourself on how far you've made it!


Physical Health Week


January 2022 Newsletter