Meet A Member: Tom Haag

This month's Member of the Month is our good friend Tom Haag! Tom has been a member of Choices since 1997. Tom was referred to Choices through his case manager at the time and decided to give it a try. After being a long-time member for quite awhile Tom became employed at Choices in 2009, working here for 12 years and he has thoroughly enjoyed being an employee. 

When asked how Choices has impacted his life he responded with, “tremendously, I come here to see friends, play Monopoly and other games, enjoy lunch and coffee”. I can confirm- Tom does enjoy his Monopoly! Tom spends the majority of his days here and you can always count on him to include you in any games, activities or conversation. 

Tom says, “Overall, Choices has been a great experience, there’s a lot to offer, there’s always something going on- trips and OTA students and I always have a great time!”.  


What to Do: Covid


Meet A Member: Mark Lynch